Givi Motorcycle Tank Bags UK

Tank bags with Tanklock or magnetic attachments

Givi motorcycle tank bags are available in a wide range of styles, sizes and configurations. Discover the right Givi tank bag for you.

Givi Tank Bags

Tanklock Fitting Kits

Givi tank bags

Quality soft luggage designed to fit securely to your motorcycle's tank.

Famous Italian luggage brand Givi sell a large range of motorcycle tank bags in the UK. Givi tank bags are available in sizes renging from 6 to 40 litres, and differing styles to complement your bike and riding style.

Some bags are modular in design (different bits zip on and off), and are expandable depending on your luggage needs.

Tanklock, or magnets & straps?

The range is split between tank bags which attach using strong magnets and straps, and tank bags utilising Givi’s Tanklock system.

The Tanklock system involves a simple (DIY) modification of screwing a model-specific mounting plate permanently to your bike, which the Tanklock bag then simply slots into. The bag is released in seconds via a simple catch operation under the Tankbag.

Tanklock bags come with repositionable bottom mounts, so you can achieve the best position for both your tank and riding position.

Tank bags using the Tanklock system will require a corresponding Tanklock fitting kit. These are sold separately, and are relatively inexpensive.

Givi xs307 xstream tanklock tankbag

The Givi XS307 is one of Givi's bestselling expandable tanklock bags.

Tanklock tank bags have several advantages over their magnetised counterparts, which use very strong magnets to stick to your tank.

The sheer strength of the magnet means that if you’re not careful, inadvertent damage to your tank paintwork can be caused when the magnet snaps on more vigorously than intended - especially if you’ve picked up a small stone or bit of dirt on the bottom of your bag. The magnets can also be hazardous to electronic devices and credit cards.

Tanklock bags are a neater, more streamlined solution. Of course, if you have a plastic tank, then the Tanklock fitment is your only realistic option.

Most Givi tankbags come with rain covers that stow neatly away in a small cavity when not in use, although some in the range now have waterproof liners or water resistant/waterproof shells.

Construction is typically a reinforced semi-soft (nylon/cordura) type material, although some will incorporate more solid thermoformed parts.

A huge range of Givi tank bags can be found at Sportsbikeshop, including all the necessary tanklock model specific tank fitments.

Looking for more Givi motorcycle luggage? find additional information here.